FAQs about Reporting Reading

Thanks for joining our Reading Challenge!

Read below for steps about how to get started.

-Step 1. Click "Report Reading" and then click register under the Login page.

-Step 2. After you have registered, look for the block that says "Find a Challenge." There will be a drop down list. You are looking for "Reformation Month 2021." I'll explain why there are more options in the later steps.

-Step 3. Now you have the option to "Report Reading" at the top of the page inside the Orange header bar. Click the "Report Reading" button to open the input box. Type the number of chapters your are reporting. Then "Save Changes."

Congratulations, You have reported your first chapters.

If you plan to report for Family (Kids, Spouse) or Friends, continue to the next steps:

-Step 1. Click 'Family Group" in the orange header area. Then select "Create Family Group"

-Step 2. Give your group name. (i.e. The Cirlots or The Capers). Create a password to restrict who can join your group. Then click Submit.

-Step 3. Add Family Members. Now when you click "Family Group" you have the option to add family group members. Add anyone who will not be creating their own account. Note: If two people in the same family are going to report chapters, both of then need to register as an individual first. Then only one of you need to add the family members who don't have an account.

-Step 4. Report chapters for family members. After members are added, there will be a "Report Reading" button for each family member.

You can also create your own challenge. For instance, I have set a family challenge for the Cirlot household. So when we report reading, not only does it count towards the main goal, but also towards the family goal of 1000 chapters. You can do this for any group, a Bible study, family, class, team, etc.

-Step 1. Near the bottom of the page, select "Create Challenge". Name your challenge and name the group that is going to be part of it.

-Step 2 - Select Challenge Type. For this year, we are focusing on reading chapters. So select chapters and set a goal. Click "Submit"

-Step 3. Tell people in your group to join your challenge in the same way you joined the Reformation Month 2021 challenge during setup.


Why Reformation Month?