What is Reformation Month?
We celebrate our access to God’s Word every October. As a result of the protestant reformation, the Bible is available in English, as well as most other languages.

The first way we celebrate Reformation Month is by spending large amounts of time in God’s Word. It is the habit of many Christians to read the Bible daily in small increments. Reformation Month is the one time a year we sit down and read the Bible is large chunks. Some people read the whole Bible during this celebration.
This year we are diving into the Creeds and Confessions of the church on Wednesday nights beginning in October. Join us as we survey the Apostles Creed, The Nicene Screed, the Chalcedonian Definition, the confessions of the Reformation, as well as a few modern confessional statements.
This year we a raising funds to send a team to Uganda to train pastors who can’t afford or don’t have easy access to Bible Study resources. Our goal is $10,000. This will cover the cost of travel and the expenses of running a one-week training seminar on location. To give, go to our church website, www.thesquarechurch.com, and click on giving. You can designate your giving for missions. You can also buy merch in our store to help off set the cost of our trip.